james turner

Stop Packing So Much: The Minimalist Packing List

Former British Army soldier James Turner constantly travels around the world, so you'd think he carries a ton of stuff everywhere he goes. That is not the case (at least, not anymore).

“Fast forward to the tail end of 2014, I’m at Hong Kong’s ridiculously large airport heading over to Thailand for 3 months. I’ve got a tiny 26 litre backpack casually thrown across a shoulder which tops out at 12kg. The tiny bag, coupled with some impressive Hong Kong’ian logistical efficiency means I’m off the train and into the departure lounge in a speedy, fuss free 20 minutes.”

I also enjoyed his take on the Tom Bihn Smart Alec backpack:

“When you touch it, it’s like closing the door on a VW Golf. You immediately trust the engineer behind the design.


There are plenty of bags which you can pack small with, but not many which will leave you with a smile.”

If you're interested in travel or want to nerd out about packing organization (and who doesn't?) you should read his article. Lots of great tips and gear recommendations throughout.

But really, it's about much more than travel gear—there's something amazing about the idea of carrying everything you need in one little bag, no matter how big the adventure.